Friday, November 25, 2011

His Story Can Change Yours

Sunday Starts the first Sunday of Advent.  Are you ready to make room for a miracle in your life and in your family?

THOUGHT:  I went to Wal-Mart last night on the Black Friday, Black Thrusday - whatever, seems to get earlier and earlier.  Could not find anything that I wanted, the tickets were all given out early.  I came home, and driving from the store - this is what I thought.

This is the sign of commericalism at it's bes.  Carts loaded to the brim with items, long lines, people wrestling and fighting for places in line, for the right item, at the right price.  And this came to mind.  Where is Jesus in all this.  Afterall, it is his birthday?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

God Quest


Are you ready to find the God your heart is searching for?  For the next six weeks, we will be looking at life's most difficult questions:
      Can truth be know?
      Does God exsist?
      Can we trust the Bible?
      Why is ther evil and suffering in the world?
      and More...

"Everyone is Searching, but not everyone knows it."

Starting - 10/16/11 - Each Sunday for six weeks @ 10 AM at the Brandywine Conference Center - Monticello, IN