God Quest
Are you ready to find the God your heart is searching for? For the next six weeks, we will be looking at life's most difficult questions:
Can truth be know?
Does God exsist?
Can we trust the Bible?
Why is ther evil and suffering in the world?
and More...
"Everyone is Searching, but not everyone knows it."
Starting - 10/16/11 - Each Sunday for six weeks @ 10 AM at the Brandywine Conference Center - Monticello, IN
Jesus said: "I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE" What does that really mean?
ReplyDeleteCan we KNOW the TRUTH? And what does that mean.
ReplyDeleteWhat does it mean to KNOW?
And who is the TRUTH?
I think when Jesus says: I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE, he is tell us that everything is encoumpassed in HIM. He is the WAY - not just showing us the way, but HE IS THE WAY. We can follow many paths that will lead no where, "but narrow is the way that leads to LIFE, and few find it."
ReplyDeleteWe can not discover TRUTH, without knowing the WAY! and we can never find the LIFE that God intents for us, if we do not DISCOVER THE TRUTH. It's funny, we seem to run from the TRUTH!
Want to experience the LIFE that God has intended for you - Discover the TRUTH, and KNOW the TRUTH, and the TRUTH will set you FREE!!!!!
Some people run from the truth because they do not want to give up worldly "things" and live the life Jesus says is the way to eternal salvation.
ReplyDeleteSometimes, I think people are afraid of the truth because they are afraid to see their "true selves". Fortunately, Jesus died for our "true self" so we don't have to be ashamed. I believe with my whole heart that Jesus is the truth. The only way to heaven is through Jesus. To know the truth is more than believing in God/Jesus. Even the demons believe. Knowing is talking with God daily, learning about Him and forming a relationship with Him. I believe that airplanes can fly, but I don't know how, because I haven't committed myself to learn about them.
ReplyDeleteI am really going to enjoy this study!
Agreed: thought it was intesting Sean McDonald said that we keep ourselves so busy, to distract ourselves from ourselves. Basically we do not like the self we have become.
ReplyDeleteIt is so much easier to distract ourselves than to work on our relationship with God. Relationships take work and so does our relationship with God. We all have friendships where it seems like we are the only pary that really puts work into the friendship. I know that that person thinks I am their friend even though they only think about me when they need something. I believe our relationship with God is the same way. God always loves us even when we are distracted with the things of life, however; he wants to have a relationship with us that is not just one sided. Just as we grow from friendships that are not just onesided, our relationship with God cannot grow if it is onesided.
ReplyDeleteSo - are you drawing you "Life Map"? Drawing a Spiritual Map from your Spiritual Birth to now, marking the difficult decisions, and the strife of life. This may tke me all week, but I am discovering that when I get off the path, I have taken the reigns into my own hands. What about you? Blog with me at lifesongmonticello.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteProverbs 23:19
19 Listen, my son, and be wise,
and set your heart on the right path:
SENT BY EMAIL: Mearl I do not blog, but I will tell you through this email that I learned there are a lot of people that are being misled about the truth of God. They are following instead of doing there homework to see if it is the truth. When they mentioned the percentage of people that believe certain things I was surprised. Michelle Mills
ReplyDeleteI was thinking this morning about faith. Hebrews 11:1 says "Faith makes us sure of what we hope for and gives us proof of what we cannot see. 2It was their faith that made our ancestors pleasing to God"
ReplyDeleteFaith is not this totally blind step into the dark. Faith is based on what God has done, for us in the past, for what we know God has done for others. Faith is based on the stories of those who have gone before. Therefore we trust. Faith is something that has evidence, faith is not blind. It is trusting God for who he is, and what he has done, and what he will do.
Faith gives us certainty of what we hope for, and proof in the things we can not see.
I think that trusting is the difficult part. Most people have been let down by others over and over again. With God, I think that when people don't get the answer they think they should they think that they cannot trust God and therefore don't have faith. We are such a society of instant gratification and wanting what we want, when we want it. Having faith in God and trusting him with our lives when we have to sometimes wait on his decisions makes it difficult and that is when people's faith waivers. I think learning to have faith and trust is also a lifestyle change in that we have to learn to be patient and wait on his will and decisions instead of trying to make things happen in our time. Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil to give you a future and a hope."
ReplyDeleteDid anyone see the Morning Sky. I was up before Sunrise! Man - when Psalms talks about "The Heavens decare the Glory of God" - it sure was happening this morning.
ReplyDeleteCan we really beleive in the God of Creation?
ryan and Olivia have a kids story bible. we were reading about adam and eve and the lie the snake told. i was thinking about this all night long because i always get those "awful thoughts, car wrecks, or falling down stairs, cars swerving across the center line and hitting me" and I got to thinking...those could be the lies invading my brain. i have to not "fear" about the world around me. I've been teased about being a "country bumpkin" always worrying about every thing.
ReplyDeletejust a thought as I am on my godquest..trying to live in peace and not constant fear.
AWESOME! Everytime in scripture that something awesome happened that included a heavenly being, the words, "DO NOT BE AFRAID." That is what happened to you. You discovered the lies of the devil. He is nothing more than a liar and a cheat. He has come to kill, steal and destroy you, and that is what he was attempting by stealing you peace, joy, and sound mind. But isn't AWESOME when the Holy Spirit arrives, takes and and kicks the "author of confusion", and brings peace!
Didn't Sara do an AWESOME job? WAY TO GO SARA!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSomething struck me - the passion she has that science confirms that there had to be an intellent creator, that all this did not happen by accident.
Psalm 19
For the choir director: A psalm of David.
1 The heavens proclaim the glory of God.
The skies display his craftsmanship.
2 Day after day they continue to speak;
night after night they make him known.
3 They speak without a sound or word;
their voice is never heard.[a]
4 Yet their message has gone throughout the earth,
and their words to all the world.
God has made a home in the heavens for the sun.
5 It bursts forth like a radiant bridegroom after his wedding.
It rejoices like a great athlete eager to run the race.
The heavens and all nature sings to an intellegent creator. How can we see the beauty of the earth, and the details of the body, and not understand there was some intellgence behind the creation.
So....if you beleive in the Big Bang Therory, i can say - I DO TO! God said it, and Bang, it happened.
Psalm 19
ReplyDeletePsalm 19[a]
For the director of music. A psalm of David.
Some things that spoke to me yesterday during Sara's message:
Psalms 19:
1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
5 It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber,
like a champion rejoicing to run his course.
DECLAIRES: to count, recount, relate
a) (Qal)
1) to count (things), 2) to recount, rehearse, declare, 3) to recount (something), rehearse, 4) to count exactly or accurately
Over and over again, the heavens, the earth declares - counts and recounts, in exactness and accuracy the hand of an intellegent designer.
PROCLAIM: It speaks to the with commanding authority of an creator with intellegent design.
And verse 5: Notice the reference to the bridgerooms bed chamber. - the glory of God comes out as a man who has left, invigorated, and charged from being with his honey, he is like a strong man, ready to run the course with joy!
The heavens declare and proclaim with vigor, without question, with enthusaism, with an electric charge and a spring in his step. Every ounce of spirit and energy in all of creation, runs the course, unwaivering, and willing with joy - all to declare the GLORY of GOD!
Do you see this fall PROCLAIMING the GLORY OF GOD. Let it stir your heart TODAY!!
I just don't understand how anyone can not believe in creation. All you have to do is look up, and around you.
ReplyDeleteAbbie did a wonderful job. Reminds me: "Your words I hide I my heart that i might not sin against u.". Have u developed a desire, a hungers
ReplyDeleteFor God's word?
Last week was the issue of Good and Evil in our world. MAny would say there is no God due to the evil and suffering in our world. What are we complaining about - injustice, right? How we have a sense of what is just without an example? How can we determine a line is crooked, unless we know what a straight line is? That is also true with the issue of Good verse evil. Evil exsists in our world, but we recognize it because we have a basis of what is good, and that is God!
ReplyDeleteI agree - but how do we explain the pain and suffering in our world?
ReplyDeleteIs it God's fault. Does God create it? Does he allow it to exsist?
Why can't we just go on in a perfect world, and everything thing just be easy?
Love this Quote from CS Lewis:
ReplyDelete"God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience but shouts in our pains; it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world." – CS Lewis – The Problem of Pain.
Sometimes it takes the pains of life, to direct us to a place where we can here God's voice well!
Gina called and said: "Pastor Mearl, I prayed to ask God to use me today, and while I was driving my car, I found the group traveling through Indiana in a covered wagon. I had the opporunity to buy their lunch and to get oats for their horses. I came over the hill and there they were, God totally opened the door for me."
ReplyDeleteSteve Lytle wrote" "I really enjoyed Sunday Morning Sermon."
ReplyDeleteThis morning as I was driving to work - Satan Attacked me. I was listening to K-Love and it began my mind thinking, and all of a sudden, I was thinking about a situation that I had wrong someone - over 15 years ago. I was thinking of that and the guilt began to build in my heart, when I heard God speak in a still small voice. "He is thee accuser of the brethren. (Rev 12:10 - KJV)" My heart jumped. Satan was trying to make my heart guilty of something that happened 25 years ago. My heart began to sing: I am already been forgiven. God's "grace is sufficent for me." My sins are cast in the "deepest sea" and as far as the "east is from the west."
ReplyDeleteI share this with you this morning thinking: How many times does Satan do this to you, casting doubt and conviction in your life, about things that God has already forgiven?
Be Strong and Courageous, and realize - God's grace is enough for you!!!!!!!
Emily Anderson Wrote This: "This couldn't have come to me at a better time..."
ReplyDeleteHave a great day!
God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience but shouts in our pains; it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world. – CS Lewis – The Problem of Pain.
BOB Wrote: "Wow satan has been working on me this week also, but GOD will prevail."
ReplyDeleteDacia Wrote: "THANK YOU FOR THIS!!!!!" in response to PM's email:
ReplyDeleteThis morning as I was driving to work - Satan Attacked me. I was listening to K-Love and it began my mind thinking, and all of a sudden, I was thinking about a situation that I had wrong someone - over 15 years ago. I was thinking of that and the guilt began to build in my heart, when I heard God speak in a still small voice. "He is thee accuser of the brethren. (Rev 12:10 - KJV)" My heart jumped. Satan was trying to make my heart guilty of something that happened 25 years ago. My heart began to sing: I am already been forgiven. God's "grace is sufficent for me." My sins are cast in the "deepest sea" and as far as the "east is from the west."
I share this with you this morning thinking: How many times does Satan do this to you, casting doubt and conviction in your life, about things that God has already forgiven?
Be Strong and Courageous, and realize - God's grace is enough for you!!!!!!!
Terri Wrote in response to PM's email: